Such work is very hard batch production. 这样的工作很难批量生产。
Batch production records should be prepared for each intermediate and API and should include complete information relating to the production and control of each batch. 应当为每种中间体和原料药准备批生产记录,内容应当包括与各批生产和控制有关的完整资料。
The great problem of optical fiber gratings to be wide application and batch production is the techniques of fiber grating fabrication. 光纤光栅的制作技术对其批量生产和广泛应用产生了重大的影响。
They have started batch production of the new machine. 这种新机器已经开始批量生产了。
The batch production began in1970, with over a thousand examples delivered to the PLA since then. 批量制造从1970年开始,此后超过一千架被交付给PLA。
By repeating technological tests and batch production tests for over a year, the fused silica was successfully used in the production of silica sol shell for low temperature wax precision casting. 经过反复的工艺试验及一年多批量生产验证,成功地将熔融石英应用于精铸用低温蜡&硅溶胶型壳生产中。
Reviewing completed batch production and laboratory control records of critical process steps before release of the API for distribution; 原料药放行分销前关键工艺步骤的批生产或实验室控制记录的审阅;
Continuous drying for batch production. 成批生产,连续式干燥;
A printed label representative of those used should be included in the batch production record. 那些使用标签的的打印标签样张应包含在批生产记录中。
It can provide appropriate batch production automatic flow line for the customer according to customer demands, product diversity, work environment& conditions, etc. 可根据客户的需求及产品的多样化,作业环境和作业条件等情况,为客户提供适合批量生产作业的自动化流水线。
The theory of dissipation power, avoid the traditional logic threshold method of research, the theory has limitations, r& d ABS success and the breakthrough, batch production industrialized stage. 采用的耗散功率理论,避免了传统的逻辑门限值研究方法的局限性,取得了理论上的突破,研发ABS成功且进入产业化、批量生产阶段。
This examination should be documented in the batch production records, the facility log, or other documentation system. 该检查应当记录在批生产记录、设备使用记录或其它文件系统中。
The production capacity is large and can meet the demand of big-scale batch production. 转台转速高,其旋转的转速达到高速压片机的要求,产量高,能满足大批量生产的要求。
The recovery procedures should be indicated in batch production records. 回收方法应包含在批记录中。
Mechanical alloying is wildly used in scientific research, but energy consumption is high in batch production. 机械合金化方法多用于科研中,批量生产能耗大。
Results of these examinations should be recorded in the batch production or control records. 检查结果应当记录在批生产或控制记录中。
Assemble and test the prototypes, Organize and assist the1 st batch production. 安装,测试测量仪器样机,组织开展首批量生产。
The lightweight aircraft, the use of simple, applicable to small batch production and laboratory operations. 本机小巧轻便,使用简单,适用于小批量生产和实验室作业。
Batch production and laboratory control records of critical process steps should be reviewed and approved by the quality unit ( s) before an API batch is released or distributed. 在一批原料药放行或分发之前,关键工序的批生产记录和实验室控制记录应当由质量部门审核和批准。
The existing tolerance value table is imperfect, resulting in a range of issues such as batch production, surface quality and machining accuracy in designing and processing microminiature parts. 在设计和加工微小型零件时,由于现有公差数值表缺少对微米和中间尺度的描述,因而使得批量生产和控制表面质量、加工精度极为不便。
Our mill now succeed to supply the multicolor high-tenacity polyester thread under batch production after many experiments. 本厂实验成功,并可批量生产高强度涤纶多彩线。
In general, already batch production the enterprise basically has the first three terms, upon a condition is to strive to create. 一般说,已批量生产的企业多基本具备了前三个条件,后一个条件是要努力创造。
In small batch production in a production flexibility, low cost, short processing cycle. 在小批量生产中,具有生产灵活性,成本低,加工周期短。
In addition, Group Technology was proved to be one way to improve multi-categories and small batch production. 同时,国内外多年实践经验证明成组技术的应用是一种提高多品种、小批量生产水平的有效途径之一。
GMJ type grinding mill is a laboratory tank, small batch production with fine milling equipment. GMJ型罐磨球磨机是实验室、小批量生产用超细球磨设备。
By analyzing the existing defect about the performance price ratio of the flexible assembly system for small batch production family, a turbulent transportation technology is proposed. 分析了目前小批量、多品种产品柔性装配系统在性价比方面存在的不足,提出了一种紊流输送技术。
For example, if batch production records are generated by computer determine if they contain all of the information required to be in batch records. 例如,在计算机中形成的批产品记录,要确定它们是否包含了批记录中所要求的所有信息。
Enterprise strong technical force, processing experience, suitable for large and small batch production. 企业技术力量雄厚,加工经验丰富,适宜于大、小批量产品的生产。
We have done a small test, test, and begin small batch production. 目前已经完成小试、中试,并开始小批量生产。
The initial batch production of the Yu-7 began in the late1990s and the torpedo received its design certificate in1994. 鱼-7最初批量生产在1990年后期开始,而且鱼雷在1994年接受了它的设计证明书。